Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Meet the Artisans of SSNE: Kari Kurtz of Little Gems by Kari

How did you get your start and when did you first become interested in your craft?
My best friend learned to make earrings and showed me.  I started devouring everything I could to learn new techniques from then on out- I got bit by the bug!  Thanks, Jocelyn!

Describe your work process to us.
I try to set aside time to sit down and surround myself with one type of project (I do a handful) and then set a goal of I'd like to make 5 new necklaces tonight or 10 bookmarks. I flip on a fun TV show/movie and get working!

What do you like best about what you do?
 It's almost meditative to me. I can just focus on making something and let everything else slip away.

What do you find most challenging about your work?
I'm a messy artist- I often misplace a bag of this or that and spend 30 minutes trying to find it.

What inspires you?   How are your inspirations expressed in your work?
 I see a bead or an outfit and the wheels start turning in my mind.  Sometimes it is a finished piece I see and I try to "improve" it by using the concept but adding length and a button, etc.  Then I sketch it out to find the pieces later or tear apart my work area trying to find what I need.

What are your 3 favorite things in your studio?
An angel statue my friend gave me, a lamp that was my great grandmother's, and a set of craftsman mini pliers (my dad bought them for me and they fit perfect in my hands!)

Tell us 3 things that no one would ever guess about you.
 I LOVE metal (hubby and I first saw each other at a Megadeth show).
I used to raise and show rabbits.
I have a horrible fear of birds (but I do like the Hitchcock Movie).

Where can we see your work?  
Locally my pieces are sold at yellow boutique in Saratoga, 491 Broadway

Little Gems by Kari booth set-up
Kari Kurtz of Little Gems by Kari
Kari's latest creation!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Meet the Artisans of SSNE: Jessica Ross of Livvy Lous Boutique

How did you get your start and when did you first become interested in your craft? 
When my first daughter was about 6 months old she started wearing hair bows and I was hooked!  I started making them shortly after and have expanded to  hair accessories,  boys bow ties, neck ties, children's clothing, and fabric pennant banners.
Describe your work process to us. 
Every night after the girls go to bed I set up my "studio" in my living room and work on orders and my show stock (items I bring to craft fairs).  I usually have "bow nights" and "sewing nights" so that I can accomplish more in the long run by only setting up my work area for one thing or the other.  If it is a sewing night I try and have my fabric ironed and cut during the day when I can find the time between play dates, naps, and meal times with my kids.  On bow nights I bring all of my invoices to the dining room and gather all of the ribbon I will be using and load it onto a carrier that my husband made for me.  I bring it all to the living room and cut, tie, sew, and hot glue my ribbons to make some pretty fabulous bows.

What do you like best about what you do?
I love that I am able to be home with my girls and am able to work from home most of the time.  I do attend a lot of craft shows and markets that keep me away from home on some weekend days, but for the most part all of my work is done at home.

What do you find most challenging about your work? 
Paperwork!  The business end of owning a handmade business is definitely the most tedious part.  I love crafting and the instant gratification of making something beautiful to admire, but that's probably only about half of the work that goes into the business.  Listing items on Etsy, posting to my Facebook page, taking and editing photos, booking and working craft shows, ordering and shopping for supplies, answering emails, packing and shipping orders, and keeping keeping all of my customers happy are just some of the other things that I have to do  while 2 little girls are demanding my attention as well.

What inspires you?   How are your inspirations expressed in your work? 
My daughters are absolutely my inspiration.  My oldest daughter gives me so much confidence because she really thinks I can make anything.  I also just really love vibrant colors.  I enjoy mixing and matching colors and fabrics to come up with my signature creations.  I believe over these last 3 years I have developed a recognizable style and that inspires me to keep going.

What are your 3 favorite things in your studio or workspace?
1) My sewing machine!!  It's actually my Mom's machine that I bought for her as a present and then borrowed for a project.  I became so obsessed with sewing that she has been so gracious to let me hang on to it just a little while longer.
2) My glue gun.  What problem can't be solved with a glue gun?
3)  My favorite pair of scissors!   There's just a cheap pair, but I like them so much better than the pricier ones.

Tell us 3 things that no one would ever guess about you.
1)  I have been a vegetarian for 17 years
2)  If you've never met or seen me before, and all you know of me is my work, I would say that it would surprise people that I have a lot of tattoos.
3)I actually LOVE my minivan.  It was a hard sell for me at first, but I really needed something bigger than my tiny car for the amount of craft shows I do.  Once I got it I was HOOKED!

Where can we see your work? 
My Etsy site:
My Facebook site:
My Events :
My Group:

Jessica Ross of Livvy Lous Boutique
A banner and romper from Livvy Lous Boutique

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Checklist for Artisan Markets and Shows

With art festival and craft show season in full swing, we're going to go over a checklist of things you should be packing to make life easier while at market. We'll break these down into categories; I always find it easier packing my van with this list and I'm less likely to have a slap-on-the-forehead moment while setting up at a show!
The Nuts & Bolts
Tent, Tent Sides & Tent Weights - tent sides and weights are necessary because you never know when a thunderstorm might crop up or winds might threaten to take your tent down.
Lattice or Merchandise Walls - depending on your merchandise, use the square footage in your space, typically 100 square feet, to your best selling advantage.    Unused space won't add to your day's tally but don't make things so crowded that people will be overwhelmed!
Bungee Cords & Zip Ties - good for when you roll up your tent sides for the day and also for attaching your weights to your tent legs.
Inside Your Space
Tables - I use adjustable height tables because the closer you can get your work into someone's line of vision, the better! I sell fused and dichroic glass jewelry and keeping it at or close to eye level works well.
Table Coverings - your set-up reflects on your business, so make sure your table coverings are professional looking, hang to the floor and keep your extra inventory hidden underneath.
Display Racks - free standing or table top. I find that the displays I'm most drawn to are layered in height and have dimension. You literally have only a few seconds to capture someone's interest before they move on to the next tent.
Chairs - one or two in case you get the chance to sit down for a few moments during your busy day! For the most part, hopefully you'll be on your feet greeting customers and making those sales!
Area Rug - if your display could benefit from it, consider getting one of those outdoor/indoor area rugs. Depending on the pattern, it could give your space either a warm, inviting feel or a vibrant, contemporary one.
Business Stuff
these are all self-explanatory and it seems like I'm always adding to this part of my list!
Business Cards
Post Cards and Brochures
Credit Card Machine & Slips if you don't have a Smart phone
Receipt Books
Vendor Apron
Scissors & Tape
Boxes/Bags/Totes/Tissue Paper/ Bubblewrap
Lint Roller (to keep your table coverings looking spiffy)
Windex and eco-friendly wipes (for your mirrors and any glass displays)
A small dish of wrapped candies are a nice touch.
Stuff to Make Your Life Easier and More Comfortable
Cooler with Water Bottles and Healthy Snacks (you'll feel so much better if you're not snacking on what's usually available at events)
Sunscreen & Wet Face Cloths in reclosable plastic bags (I've been taking these for years and frequently just press against my face and the back of my neck during Summer shows - it really does freshen me up!)
Extra pairs of socks (if you've ever set up in mud or floodwaters, you'll know what I mean!)
and most importantly,
So there you have Willow Glass' checklist for shows! I hope you find it helpful and if you have other items you think should be added to my list, please leave a comment below, and maybe you'll see your contribution on a future list!

written by Dee Tilotta/Willow Glass 6/2012